How to Distribute the Press Release of your Event in 7 Steps

In this guide, we will discuss the different options you have on how to distribute your event’s press release, as well as how to increase the likelihood of it being published.

1. Hire a public relations agency

The most common way to distribute a press release for an event is through a public relations agency. Their job is to be well connected, so they will already have a long list of media outlets to send it to.

Not only do they have the contacts, but they also know how to approach them in a way that increases the likelihood that your press release will be published.

You can even take it a step further and ask the public relations agency to help you write the press release. They will have experience with that, as it is also part of their job description.

A good public relations agency will know what to charge for its services. The more services you require, the higher the price.

Another drawback of using public relations agencies is that not all the media like to deal with them. Some establishments will prefer a personal touch and will find the agencies as too “corporate”.

2. Use a press release distribution service

A press release distribution service is a platform that allows you to send your press release to a long list of media contacts. It is generally a much cheaper option than hiring a public relations agency.

You can filter the media and journalists by category. That is very helpful and will help you target your press release to the people most likely to post it.

Both public relations agencies and distribution platforms will help you reach a large audience. However, a distribution service is just that: distribution. No personal touch and no follow-up.

3. Use social networks

Needless to say, you’ll want to use social media to promote your press release. But we will say it anyway.

Here is how you should structure your press release on different social media platforms:

• Twitter : Write a 140-280 character press release and accompany it with an image.

• Facebook : Keep your press release in 90 characters (so it doesn’t get cut) and add an image.

• Instagram : Post a press release image and add a maximum 15 second video clip to your Stories.

• Pinterest : Options are limited here, so design a captivating image that includes the information from your press release.

4. Create your own media list

If you’re in the game of long-term event planning, it may be profitable to create your own media list to contact when you have a press release to distribute.

It takes a lot of time, but if you have the time, money, and human resources, then start searching the Internet for press contacts that you can add to your list.

5. Research and follow submission guidelines

If you have chosen to make your own media contact list, it is essential that you pay attention to each point of sale submission guidelines for press releases.

As you can probably imagine, the media is flooded with inquiries every day. They don’t have time to examine them all. Your submission guidelines are there to filter spam.

6. Send your press release

Once you’ve identified the media outlets you’d like to reach out to and read your individual submission guidelines, it’s time to send them the press release.

It is vital that you submit your press release promptly. Do not leave it until the last minute. Give the media a few weeks to read and publish your press release.

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