What is SEO? How does SEO work?

Often we are troubled by What is SEO. How does SEO work? What is the meaning of SEO and what is the use of it. And why is it important for our blog, friends, today I will tell you in a very simple way, SEO tips If you read this post carefully and complete, then let’s start. What is the meaning of SEO what is seo. How does SEO work?
You have created a blog and you have written good quality content in it, but why traffic is not coming to your blog? When you write a post on your blog and share that post on social media.
So you can get maximum traffic of 500 or 1000 only from social media and if you cannot write like this every day, then what to do? You want to get organic traffic everyday.

And if you want to bring your page to the top in Google search, then keep watching this post carefully and we will know  what is SEO. What is the meaning of SEO and what is its use. What is White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO (what is SEO), and how do we do SEO of our blog.

SEO What is the full form of

Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO?

SEO or search engine optimization is a method by which we bring our page to the top of the search engine, what is like • Google • Bing • yahoo Apart from all this, there are many other search engines but Google  most popular search engine .
Unless you do SEO of your post, Google does not show you on the top in the search result of your post, let us now see some examples of SEO.

You wrote a post how to earn money online How did you earn money online by writing these posts. How will this post reach people, how will the search engine know, you have written an article.

That is why we take the help of SEO to show our post in the first page top pages of Google and seo is very important for our blog website.

There are many people who make their blog website and they also publish good articles but traffic does not come to their article.

The reason for this is not to do SEO properly, if you also have the basics knowledge of seo, then you can rank your post on top in Google, in this post we will tell you what is SEO, there are two types of seo techniques.

1. What is white hat SEO Techniques

White hat SEO has meaning. There are SEO guidelines to come in Google searches, if you follow the same thing and you rank your blog posts with it, then this is called white hat SEO techniques.

2. What is black hat SEO Techniques

In this, black hat SEO meaning does not make you study hard nor write good content, you just have to force Google by repeatedly stuffing the targeted keyword in your article and rank this article of mine.
This means you are fooling Google, you will also rank for some time using this method but Google will know that you have done black hat SEO then it will permanently panalize your site and will never rank your post again. I will always recommend you that you do white hat SEO only.

Why is SEO important for a blog?

People initially create a blog of their own. And also publish articles in it. But people do not visit to read his blog. why does this happen. Look friends, its a simple funda. If you have a blog or website. And you write an article on it. So this article will have to do SEO i.e.

Search Engine Optimization. Only then Google sends traffic reading your blog. And online success can be made only on the strength of Small Business SEO.

How is SEO done ?

And its basic terms will be told to you in this post. Also On Page SEO and Off Page. To give you complete information, then let’s understand the SEO.

How does SEO work

You have created a blog, if you are a blogger, it is very important for you that we do not have to go through some procedures for how this SEO works.

1. Website submission / search engine submission

When you create a new blog or website, first of all you have to submit that blog website to a search engine like Google’s search engine Google webmaster tool or any other search engine Bing Yahoo.

2. Website crawl

As soon as we submit our website to the search engine, then the seo bot spider crawls that website and stores all the pages in its data base and then shows them in searches according to the quiry of the people.

3. Website Index

After the process of website submit and crawl is successfully completed, the search engine indexes your website to show it in the search result.

4. Website Ranking

After all the rest of the processes are completed, the final procedures are done, the ranking of the pages of the website or blog is decided. At what number does the search engine show that page in the search results.

Types of SEO

There are three types of SEO, the first is On Page SEO and the second is Off Page SEO, the third is Local SEO, the work of all three is completely different, so let’s see what are on-page SEO and off page SEO and local SEO and who is in this. From there are terms. And how to do search engine optimization with its help.

1. What is On Page SEO

Information in on page SEO When we write a post on the blog, on page SEO of that post is done, you have to do on page SEO for every blog post.
It tells any search engine which topic your post is talking about and on which keywords to rank your posts, friends on page SEO techniques are very important and involved in this.

2. What is Off Page SEO

Of page SEO is clear from the name of the page, something that has to be done away from on page SEO, apart from on page SEO, off page SEO is also very important. With which we can rank our post on the 1st page of Google. If your blog is built on WordPress, then you can easily do OnPage SEO with the help of Yost SEO plugin.

On Page SEO How to do  

 Now we will know on-page SEO and which are included in which term on page SEO on page SEO techniques What should be taken care of.

1 . Content

Content on page is most important for seo, the better the content, the more your post will rank in the search engine, because the content is called king, that’s why try to write 1000 words of content.

2. Heading

While writing the article, take special care of the heading, because it reads its impact on seo, although our title is the h1 tag and after that we can name the sub-heading as h2 h3. Add focus keywords to these headings. .

3. Title meta tag  description

The title tag / meta tag description of the article should be very attractive, if the visitor falls on that title, then quickly click on it, this also increases our CTR.

4. Title tag character limit

Keep title tag maximum 50 to 60 words in the middle because Google does not show it after 60 words.

5. Keywords

Along with targeted focus keywords, you must use LSI keywords, you can find LSI keywords on Google keyword planner, along with focus keywords, bold those keywords which are important. To improve the Google page rank of your college, from where to do SEO keyword design, use the tool mentioned above for this.

By which Google comes to know that this is an important keyword, as well as the attention of the visitor also goes to that keyword which attracts them towards that.

6. Link structure

 Keep the permalink structure of your post as short and simple as possible.

7. Search Description

Must give search description for your post, search description maximum between 150 to 160 words, the search description appears in Google searches and visitors click on the post after finding that search description.

Off Page SEO How to do

You have done on page SEO but even this traffic is not coming to your website blog if you have to do off page SEO. To rank in the top pages of Google.
So along with on page SEO, off page SEO also has to be done.

1. Page speed

In today’s date, Google is taking the page speed very sincerely, the more your website will open faster, the more Google will rank your site, it has been found in a survey that the user stops only for 6 seconds when a site is loaded.
Pay special attention to the page speed test of your site, often we use images in the post, the size of that image is more and due to this the page does not load quickly, whenever you use the image in the post, comperes it and post it.

2. Backlink

Back-link is the most important thing in all the ranking factors of Google, what is back-link, there are crores of websites on the internet, out of which who is linking you, you have to generate do follow backlink for your website.

Why backlink is like voting for Google, more backlink means higher ranking but Google’s algorithm depends on the quality of backlink, you should make backlink and do not create backlink from scamming low quality website otherwise Google Will down your ranking.

3.Bounce rate 

The lower your bounce rate is, the more Google will consider your content useful and the more ranking it will give.

What is Local SEO?

Often people have this question in their mind that what is Local SEO as it is clear from the name Local + SEO means SEO done by targeting the audience of one’s own area is called Local SEO.

Examples of Local SEO

Suppose you run a coaching center in jodhpur and you want that whenever any person searches on google coaching center in jodhpur then he should see my site on top first page. So for that you have to optimize your page by targeting the local audience, this is called local seo techniques.

What is the difference between SEO and SEM

Many people do not know what is SEO and SEM, what is the difference between SEO and SEM
SEO full form  –  Search engine optimization
This is a free process in which a blogger optimizes his blog in such a way that he gets free organic traffic from the search engine, a blogger gets free organic traffic on his blog with the help of SEO on his blog.
•  SEM full form  – Search engine marketing

This is a paid marketing process for which Google has to pay.

How did you like the complete information about SEO?

I sincerely hope that you must have liked our article, what is SEO, how does SEO work , often you had this doubt in your mind, what is SEO, how to learn SEO, after reading this article, this doubt of yours must have also become clear.
If you have any other question in your mind then please comment and I will answer it. Friends, it has always been my endeavor that I can give all the information to my readers on the same platforms. If you liked the information about search engine optimization, then share it with your friends, share it on social media platforms like Facebook twitter.

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