What is Personalized Marketing

What is Personalized Marketing? Personalized Marketing can help your brand stand out from the competition. With 75% of consumers now expecting to be able to personalize their communications with brands, personalization will be a must-try strategy for you if you want to be successful in 2020 and beyond.

What is Personalized Marketing?

In the past two years, personalization has become one of the top needs of consumers. The bland, one-size-fits-all approach to communication no longer grabs the attention of consumers. You have to move to personalised marketing, so what exactly is personalised marketing?

Personalized marketing is a marketing strategy that pushes personalized content to target audiences through data collection, data analysis, and the use of automated technologies. The goal of personalized marketing is to strengthen your engagement with your customers or prospects through “one-to-one” communication.

Consumers generally want humanistic care. They want you to get to know them, know what they like, what they like, and communicate with them to differentiate them from everyone else. Personalized marketing allows you to do just that.

Why is personalized marketing so Important?

Personalized marketing has become a necessity for marketers looking to retain customers. 81% of consumers want brands to understand them better and know when to engage with them and when not to bother them. Knowing your customer and personalizing marketing has never been more important.

When you value and use personalized marketing, it will not only give your customers what they want, but it will propel your business to success. Using targeted, personalized marketing has the following benefits:

Better understand your visitors

At the heart of personalization is data collection. By collecting and analyzing consumer data, you can learn who your visitors are and what they like. This gives you the opportunity to better understand each visitor and tailor your marketing strategy to them.

Improve customer experience

More than half of consumers say they are willing to provide brands with personal information as long as they know the brand will use it responsibly to personalize their experience. Consumers expect brands to know them, and they want to feel personalized while the overall experience improves.

Increase sales

78% of internet users say that personalised content from brands increases their purchase intent. Consumers who enjoy personalization are more likely to buy your product or service, which means that personalized marketing can lead to higher revenue for your brand.

Increase brand loyalty

Add personalization to the customer conversion process and provide a smooth service experience. From initial browsing to purchasing, personalized marketing will enhance the customer experience and make them want to buy your product or service now and in the future. After all, you’re not just treating them as customers, you’re providing personalized service that makes them feel like more than just members of a larger group.

Maintain channel consistency

Personalized marketing means more control over the messages sent to each customer across different channels. This is important because consumers want to see consistency across channels, and when you tailor messages specifically to individuals, personalization can help you seamlessly link those channels.

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