Implement a Digital Marketing Strategy in your Company

Digital Marketing Strategy has become a must for any company that wants to boost its online business.

But many companies do not have any defined strategy, or choose to follow trends or strategies whenever the wind blows in one direction or the other, without thinking if they really fit the goals they want to achieve online.

A company can implement several Digital Marketing strategies, either unique or complementary.

Let’s start at the beginning. Before implementing anything, you need to know your company, your target audience, your business, which communication channels you should use and your competition .

The temptation is to think that you already know it, from wire to wire, without hesitation or any collection of information. It is perfectly normal, but if so stop reading this article, as it will not help you.

Knowledge and, above all, business experience are extremely important and key for any organization. But there is a huge difference between knowing the reality you want to know and exactly realizing your company’s reality and how the public reacts to that reality .

In this article, we will understand what you need to know to implement a digital marketing strategy in your company.

Study and analysis of the target customer

One of the most frequent responses from new customers to the question “who is your target audience?” is “I don’t know” or “I don’t know exactly, but I know who they are”.

Very well. We will meet your target customers or ideal customers or buyer person, as you prefer, in your Digital Marketing strategy. For that, it is necessary to ask some questions.

Everything is easier if you already have a contact management CRM , with some data, but if you are starting now you can also follow these steps.

If you want to organize your information you can use a Digital Marketing plan template . We will divide this study into two aspects: demography and psychography.

You can collect much of this information in your Analytics. If you don’t have Analytics implemented on your website click here . Use the information of those you consider to be the “best customers”.

How to study and analyze the target client?


  1. Assign a fictitious name, usually related to the activity or product you want to impact. If you are developing a digital marketing strategy
    2. What is the age range?
    3. What are their locations?
    4. What is the gender?
    5. What qualifications?
    6. What is the function?
    7. Marital status and number of children.


  1. Lifestyle and routines.
    2. Personality.
    3. Values.
    4. Interests.

It is important to understand your goals, motivations and frustrations.

Target customer example

We can use the example above and create a persona who will represent one of our target customers.

Now, imagine that you want to run social media advertising or a Google search ad . Your target customer is well identified. This is what he wants to communicate to.

Study and analysis of competition

Knowing the competition before starting to structure your digital marketing strategy is vital, particularly to understand what they are implementing, get some ideas about what they are doing well, ignore what they are doing wrong and avoid going the same way.

Note: Often your traditional competitor or the one you know best is not exactly the one who works the best digital strategy. Some things to keep in mind:

  1. Which communication channels do you use to communicate and which ones seem to have more value?
    2. What kind of content are you creating?
    3. What tone and personality do you use in your communications?
    4. What is the public’s behavior?
    5. What errors have you identified?
    6. Which actions are most interesting to fit your strategy.

Study and analysis of communication channels

If your professional activity is not yet implemented in digital, the study and analysis of the competition should present you with the most interesting communication channels to communicate with your audience.

If you already have a website, make advertisements on Google or are present on social networks, that is, you already have a digital presence, it is important to understand which communication channels are really working and which do not make sense to exist.

Example of communication channels

It is obvious that the channels that work are those that generate business and those that do not work do not bring anything or collect useless leads.

Channels that do not show any results should be analyzed over a long period of time and must be discarded when all the solutions to enhance them have been put into practice.

There may be a number of reasons why the communication channels are not working properly. They may be poorly boosted, the content is not what your audience wants to consume, among others. Most of the time less is more.

How to analyze the communication channels of Digital Marketing Strategy?

  1. Identify your communication channels.
    2. List the strengths and weaknesses of your communication.
    3. Compare performance of the same channels in competitors.
    4. Identify the communication channels most used by your audience.
    5. Bet on different approaches in channels that are underperforming.
    6. Discontinue channels that are not being used and consume resources.

Note : This analysis will have to be impartial, because while responsible for your business, marketing, communication, social, public relations or other department, it is natural that you classify your website, for example, as the best in the world …

  1. Definition of Objectives

There is no strategy without goals.

The Digital Marketing objectives of your company must be aligned with the goals established for the business, both from the market and financial point of view.

You don’t need to set macro and micro goals, whatever.

Start by setting real goals that you can easily measure. And no, it’s not a problem if you have to rephrase along the way.

In fact, one of the biggest advantages of digital marketing as opposed to traditional marketing is the ability to measure everything. Everything is measurable and the data changes quickly.

How will you set goals?

The points below give you organization.

  1. Where is my company now? Customers, Market, Competition and Partners.
    2. What do I need to optimize? Positioning, Wasted Opportunities and Budget.
    3. How do I achieve my goals? Marketing Strategy, Key Implementations and Proposed Budget.
    4. Measure and evaluate. Monitor everything!

Example of digital marketing goals:

  1. We intend to increase the monthly traffic on our website to 10,000 visits per month in 4 months. For this, the strategies contemplated are investment in SEO and advertising on social networks;
  2. We intend to achieve sales growth of 5% in the second quarter. In this sense, we will bet on Google ads and E-mail and SMS marketing.

Learn more about setting goals by downloading the example of Digital Marketing Plan for Companies .

The next step is to select the Digital Marketing strategy that fits the objectives you want to achieve in your company.

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